Hampshire Genealogical Society

Portsmouth Group

Closure of two HGS groups

August 10, 2022

Due to a lack of volunteers to help run groups, unfortunately we have had to suspend the current programmes for both the Portsmouth and the New Milton & Christchurch groups. The Portsmouth group was the original HGS group formed 48 years ago, with the New Milton & Christchurch one a few years later. Should you […] – read more…

Were you a Beverley Babe?

June 6, 2017

Beverley Babes The Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home As Britain prepared for the possibility of going to war with Germany, the Southsea based Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home, known as Bowland, made plans to evacuate their premises, with patients and staff to be taken to Beverley House, Wickham. On the 1st […] – read more…

1855 Portsea hospital bed shortage

February 22, 2015

An 1855 Portsea Hospital bed shortage raised concerns when a man who was turned away later died. – read more…

Portsmouth police gas explosion in 1855

December 13, 2014

This account of an explosion in a Portsmouth dockyard police station in 1855 should serve as a cautionary tale of the dangers of mixing gas with a naked flame. – read more…

Portsmouth Harbour c.1830

Hardship cases in a Portsmouth court

October 19, 2014

After the Napoleonic wars many suffered hardship that often resulted in lawbreaking and people being taken to court. William ATRELL and John CHAMBERLAIN were two such cases reported in the Hampshire Telegraph in 1817. – read more…

Wherry in 1825 similar to those in the Solent

Solent tragedy of Gosport men 1810

April 14, 2014

An 1810 Hampshire newspaper carried an appeal for information by the wives of two Gosport men who drowned in a Solent tragedy. Who were these men? – read more…

Italian Migrants the National Archive have made available Immigrant records to search

Italian immigrants in Hampshire in 1861

February 23, 2014

Could your Italian ancestors be among the immigrant musicians and entertainers residing in C19th Portsmouth? Use National Archive records to trace them. – read more…

Destitute woman transported by Portsmouth court – 1810

January 13, 2014

This destitute Portsmouth woman stole and sold a coat and was punished with seven years transportation. – read more…

Magazine online family history articles by HGS

Portsmouth bigamy intrigue

October 22, 2013

Bigamy cases can be very interesting but are more intriguing when the accused is a woman. On this occasion the offending marriage took place nearly thirty years before coming to court. – read more…

Punishment in Hampshire Quarter Session Courts – 1800

July 9, 2013

Criminals were often sentenced to whipping in Hampshire Quarter Sessions courts. Here are some examples from the 1800s. – read more…

Portsmouth (LDS) Family History Centre

May 10, 2013

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Family History Centre is a useful resource for family historians. – read more…

Commonwealth War Graves Commission at Portsmouth & Southampton Memorials

March 6, 2013

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission have erected new plaques at the Portsmouth Naval Memorial – read more…

National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth

February 13, 2013

If you have an ancestor who served in the Royal Navy then HGS might be able to help you with your research. Find out what resources are available in the National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth. – read more…

Palmerston’s Folly – The Story of Portsmouth’s Forts

January 4, 2013

Several generations of Portsmouth people have given the nickname ‘Palmerston’s Folly’ to the Victorian forts on Portsdown Hill.
The forts are on the crest of the hill, overlooking Portsmouth and it’s harbour. When and why were they built? – read more…

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