Hampshire Genealogical Society

Welcome to the National Group!

This Group has been created to cater for HGS members who live nationally within the UK. Our aim is to provide online talks and presentations to inspire and help you with your research.

Wherever you are in the UK, if you have Hampshire roots, this is your opportunity to join us for virtual meetings tailored for your needs. Our speakers will be able to provide details of places within Hampshire where your ancestors may have lived and worked. We will also be covering a wider range of topics which are relevant to any family historians researching their ancestors within the UK.

By joining this group, you will have an opportunity to meet other people who share the same enthusiasm for their Hampshire ancestry. All our skills and expertise can be shared with open discussions at the beginning of each session which will then be followed by our speaker’s presentation. You may help someone break down a ‘brick wall’ in their research, or perhaps one of yours may come tumbling down!

If you have ideas or requests for talks or discussion topics, please do get in touch to let us know.


Group Events & Meetings

A meeting will be held every two months, on a Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm. We will be online from 7.00pm to enable a general discussion with everyone.

If you are not already a member of this group but wish to attend a meeting, please contact the Group Organisers by completing the form on this page and specifying exactly which meeting you wish to attend. You will then be added to the invitation list. Remember to include your membership number or indicate if you are a guest.

  • November 6, 2024, 7:30 pm: Writing Your Family's History - Jane Gulliford Lowes

    It's never been easier to research your family history. There's a wealth of genealogy websites out there, as well as online access to national archives and databases. Most towns and villages have local and family history groups where ideas can be shared and research skills honed. But what do you actually DO with all of the information when you've collated it? Is it all stuffed in a file or in notebooks, or perhaps locked into a private family tree account on an ancestry website? Jane will give you tips and advice on how to actually build the information into a readable and fascinating family narrative, packed with historical details, and set into its proper historical context. She'll also give you suggestions on how to present your family story on paper, online, and even in an e-book, so that it can be shared and treasured by other family members.

The Group Organiser is Kay Lovell. She can be contacted using the form below.

Contact National Group Organisers

If you would like to know more about the National Group and its forthcoming events, then please contact the group organisers using this form.

  • Optional Field. Only provide this if you do not mind being contacted by telephone. The group organiser may contact you by phone or email as appropriate to the enquiry.

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