To help you research your Hampshire ancestors HGS are continually making research and transcriptions done by our volunteers available to buy online. If you cannot see the product for your parish listed, please keep looking as our work is ongoing and new information is regularly released.
Parish Indexes
Thanks to over 45 years of volunteer research, we can offer nearly 500 years of parish records on searchable CD’s. These are a superb resource for those researching their Hampshire Family history prior to 1837, when compulsory civil registration began.
Please note these databases do not include the Isle of Wight or Non-Conformist records.
Village Booklets
As a one-stop guide to Hampshire parishes and their associated records our Village Booklets are second to none. Throughout, the booklets provide the holding numbers of all relevant sources at the Hampshire Record Office enabling you to quickly identify and locate the sources relevant to your research.
Each booklet includes the following information:
- Details of location, hundred and registration district
- A brief history from pre-history to early modern times
- History of the parish church and incumbents
- Details of Non-conformist Meetings Houses and Certificates
- History of the parish school and head-teachers
- Information on Taxation and Enclosure
- Notable Estates, Farmers and Tradespeople
- History of Public Houses and Victuallers
Monumental Inscriptions
From the 1940s to 1960s the Society of Genealogists set out to record information found on gravestones, plaques and windows from churches, churchyards, cemeteries and burial grounds. They recognised that this information could provide a vital clue to establishing family relationships and the social history of the time.
When the Family History Federation was formed in 1974 they quickly encouraged their societies to continue the transcription of memorial or monumental inscriptions, with the aim of creating or contributing to a national database. HGS volunteers took on this task and, thanks to their work, we can offer this unique resource for family history research.
Portsmouth WEA Local History Books
The Portsmouth Workers’ Education Association (WEA), and adult education group, has a local history group who write a splendid series of publications concerning the history of Portsmouth. The books cover various areas of Portsmouth and contain fascinating detail of the streets and houses within the area, using early records from Portsmouth Record Office.
Alan Godfrey Historical Maps
These black and white reproductions of old Ordnance Survey maps are an invaluable resource for family historians. They show towns and villages in detail, with individual buildings marked, as well as roads and railways.
The original scale of these maps was 1:2500 but they are reproduced in the Godfrey editions at about 1:4340 or 15 inches to the mile. As well as the map each publication includes a useful history of the area it covers, plus some additional entries from contemporary sources such as Kelly’s Directories which sometimes includes an extract of residents by name.
Birth, Marriage & Death (BMD) Unwanted Certificate Service
The Society holds a large number of BMD Certificates in the Research Centre.
Over the years generous HGS Members and others have passed us their ‘unwanted’ certificates both as a resource and to meet any requests for such documents.
Before you order a BMD certificate for your research, check our database, it might save you time and money!
Eve McLaughlin Guides
A selection of Books from the popular Genealogical Series ‘Eve McLaughlin Guides’ range normally available from the HGS Bookstall at family history events can now be purchased through the HGS Website, or direct from the HGS Sales Office.
The books available from this series cover a wide range of subjects of interest to the family historian. These informative and helpful books are modestly priced.