Reading old documents
Has your research taken you back beyond 1837? Are you challenged by the writing you see when viewing original documents of yore? Are some of those documents written in Latin?
Why not try some online tutorials to help you? Here are a few suggestions…
The National Archives at https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/…/reading-old…/
Ancestry at https://support.ancestry.com/…/Tips-for-Reading-Old…
FindMyPast at https://www.findmypast.com/blog/help/tips-for
Genealogy.com at https://www.genealogy.com/articles/research/68_sperry.html
AncestralFindings.com at https://ancestralfindings.com/simple-tips-for-reading…/
There are even a multitude of mobile phone ‘apps’ you can download to help you. Use your search engine to find one to suit you!